
Internacional Congress | TURKEY AT 100: (Dis)Continuities and (Dis)Contents
Internacional Congress | TURKEY AT 100: (Dis)Continuities and (Dis)Contents
Orient Institute, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal
8-10 February 2023, Lisbon Venue: Institute of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Program available here.
Call for Papers - CLOSED
At 100, the Turkish Republic is in a flux that is consequential for global affairs. From Atatürk’s laicism to Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Yeni Türkiye [new Türkiye], the republic has gone through a dynamic series of changes that impacted its social, cultural, political and economic fabric. Emerged during the devastating aftermath of the Great War, the Republic has been a regional stage for competing nationalisms, domestic and international migrations and forced population movements, a critical arena of the Cold War politics, an economic and financial showcase for several phases of bust and boom, a vibrant civil society coupled with periods of coups and repression, pulsating democratic participation that coincide with stifling deep-state politics, and accompanying cultural complexities. Capturing such dynamism of this republic that bridges Middle East and Europe, calls for multi-layered evaluation of ideas and practices such as Republicanism, Democracy and Modernity in action, as well as interdisciplinary debates on the shifting undercurrents of the 21st century in terms of globalization, rise of authoritarianism, impact of climate change and episodes of massive resistance. To serve this end, the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (University of Lisbon, Portugal) is organising an international conference seeking to address the changes during the past 100 years in Turkey and future trajectories for the country.
This conference is the third in a series that began in 2014 with a very productive discussion on the Gezi Park protests that culminated in the publication of an edited volume (‘Everywhere Taksim’: Sowing the Seeds for a New Turkey at Gezi), followed by another in 2017, which led to the publication of two special issues, one in Mediterranean Quarterly and another in Turkish Studies in 2018.
We invite submissions on the following and related topics:
- Securitization and authoritarianism of the AKP rule
- Opposition and resistance
- Debates on the presidential system vs. the parliamentary system
- Minorities
- Competing nationalisms and negotiations of territorial sovereignty
- Turkish foreign policy in global context
- Prospects for EU accession
- Democratisation/de-democratisation
- Neoliberalism and state (re)-formation
- A new Constitution
- Issues of international and domestic migration
- Rights and freedoms
- Secularism/laicism
- Negotiating public space
- Art and creativity as resistance practices
- The 2023 general elections.
If you are interested in participating, please send a 500-word abstract to Dr. Isabel David ( and and Dr. Kumru F. Toktamış ( ) by September 10, 2022. We acknowledge receipt of all emails and will reply to all. If you do not receive a reply, please resend your abstract. Please include the following in your email:
- Author name;
- Affiliation;
- email address;
- abstract in Word format;
- a short CV.
Acceptance notices will be sent by late September, 2022.
In case your abstract is accepted, a draft paper of around 8000 words is due two weeks prior to the beginning of the conference. We intend to compile an edited volume with the best papers to be published in the recently launched “Culture, Society and Political Economy in Turkey” book series with Peter Lang Academic Publishers, edited by Dr. Isabel David and Dr. Kumru F. Toktamis.
There is no fee for this conference. Please note that we are unable to provide any financial help to participants.
Any additional queries should be sent to (and ) and

Instituto do Oriente | LSE IDEAS
Instituto do Oriente | LSE IDEAS
Instituto do Oriente of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences and LSE IDEAS from the The London School of Economics organized the Workshop “Reframing Asia, the Gulf and Africa through Geopolitics: the Indo Pacific and implications for global security”, that took place on 29th April 2022 at Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau (Lisbon).

Iraq and the Middle East Geopolitics: New Trends and Dynamics
Iraq and the Middle East Geopolitics: New Trends and Dynamics
The Instituto do Oriente organizes, on October 7, 2021, at 5 pm, a lecture entitled “Iraq and the Middle East Geopolitics: New Trends and Dynamics”.
The speakers of this lecture will be H.I. Saywan Barzani, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq in Lisbon and Dr. Vasco da Cruz Amador, Founder and CEO of Global Intelligence Insight. Professor Teresa de Almeida e Silva, Coordinator of the UC of International Relations at ISCSP and Vice President of Instituto do Oriente will moderate the lecture.
The event will take place in-person format (at the Óscar Soares Barata Auditorium – ISCSP) and online (Zoom Platform), simultaneously, requiring registration through the following link:

IPSA - 26th World Congress of Political Science
IPSA - 26th World Congress of Political Science
Panels Submitted and Accepted to the Congress:
RC18 Asian and Pacific Studies
Panel: “ Contemporary Nationalism, Populism and its Reflections on Foreign Policy: A Blueprint for Near East, Central Asia and Southeast Asia”
Convenor: Tiago André Lopes
Chair: Tiago André Lopes
Nuno Canas Mendes “Duterte and Political Culture in Philippines”
Marcos Farias Ferreira “Post-transition in the Russian World: Narratives, Ideas and Practices for a New Historic Bloc”
Tânia Ganito “Cultural Memory and the ‘Rural-Chic’ Aesthetics: Textures and Images of Soft Power in Contemporary China”
Andrea Valente “Resource nationalism in Southeast Asia: in search of a new analytical framework”
OI Researchers Participation in the Congress:
LOC05 International Relations | Relações Internacionais
Panel: “Russia, Eurasia and the Crisis of the Liberal Order”
Papergiver/ Author: Tiago André Lopes “Contesting the Liberal World Order: Russia and the War in Ukraine”
GS06 Authoritarianism, Democracies and Regime Changes
Panel: "Post-Erdogan Imaginaries: Continuity and Change in Turkish Society, Culture and Politics in the 21st Century"
Chair: Isabel David
Discussant: Isabel David
RC46 Migration and Citizenship
Panel: "The Political Implications of Unwanted and Return Migration"
Papergiver/ Co-Author: Isabel David "The “Return” of Turkish Sephardic Jews to Portugal: Exit without a Voice"

Strategic Cultures in Debate: USA, China and Russia
Strategic Cultures in Debate: USA, China and Russia
In partnership with the Scientific and Pedagogical Strategy Coordination Unit (ISCSP/UL), the Instituto do Oriente organized the Webinar on "Strategic Cultures in Debate: USA, China and Russia". This event took place on May 14th at 6 pm, via ZOOM. It was attended by Professor Heitor Romana, Professor Maria Raquel Freire and Professor Diana Soller, moderated by Professor Andrea Valente and Professor Maria João Militão Ferreira.
Available on YouTube at

China/Macao: “One Country, Two Systems”
China/Macao: “One Country, Two Systems”

Special Webinar on Japan´s International Relations
Special Webinar on Japan´s International Relations
As part of the celebrations of the 160th anniversary of the Peace, Friendship and Commerce Treaty between Japan and Portugal, a webinar was held in collaboration with the Japan Foundation of Madrid, the Japanese Embassy, the Research Institute of Indo-Pacific Affairs (RIIPA) and the Orient Institute. The topics covered ranged from the relations between the two countries to Japan's role in international relations.
The webinar is available on the Japan Foundation's Youtube channel:

Webinar on Advancing ASEAN-European Union Partenership
Webinar on Advancing ASEAN-European Union Partenership
Under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), and pointing out more than four decades of dialogue between the EU and ASEAN, the Orient Institute, the ASEAN Commission in Lisbon and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Portugal held a webinar on the advancement of the ASEAN-EU partnership.
The "Webinar on Advancing ASEAN-European Union Partenership" is available on the Instituto do Oriente's Youtube channel: