On March 15, IO researcher Luís Cunha analyzed in Diário de Notícias how the war in Ukraine affects China and its relations with Russia and America.

More information at: https://www.dn.pt/internacional/a-guerra-na-ucrania-desviou-as-atencoes-da-asia-pacifico-mas-a-situacao-geopolitica-continua-volatil-14680815. html

On March 10, IO researcher Isabel David was interviewed in the midnight newspaper of SIC Notícias to comment on Turkey's diplomatic role in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

On March 10, IO researcher José Duarte de Jesus was interviewed for the newspaper "Hoje Macau" to comment on China's role in the current international order.

On March 4, IO researcher Luís Cunha participated in the "3 às 16" program of RTP3 channel to comment on China's position in the face of Russia's conflict with Ukraine.

On March 2, IO researcher Tiago Ferreira Lopes participated in the program "Agora CNN" to comment on China's position regarding Russia's conflict with Ukraine.

Lunting Wu, a researcher at IO, published an article in the newspaper “The Diplomat” about the Chinese position in the face of Russia's conflict with Ukraine.

On the 2nd of March, IO Researchers, Professor Sandra Balão and Professor Marcos Farias Ferreira, participated in the "Guerra na Europa" program to comment on the current situation in Ukraine.

Published on January 5th, Hoje Macau’s article “Instituto do Oriente | Criado podcast sobre a Ásia, com destaque para Macau” written by Andreia Sofia Silva talks about Instituto do Oriente new podcast “Asian Talks: Macau”, moderated by Carlos Piteira, researcher of the Instituto do Oriente.

On November 3rd, the RTP’s tv show ‘Sociedade Civil’ went on air with the participation of Professor Nuno Canas Mendes, President of the Orient Institute.