Instituto do Oriente
IPSA - 26th World Congress of Political Science
Panels Submitted and Accepted to the Congress:
RC18 Asian and Pacific Studies
Panel: “ Contemporary Nationalism, Populism and its Reflections on Foreign Policy: A Blueprint for Near East, Central Asia and Southeast Asia”
Convenor: Tiago André Lopes
Chair: Tiago André Lopes
Nuno Canas Mendes “Duterte and Political Culture in Philippines”
Marcos Farias Ferreira “Post-transition in the Russian World: Narratives, Ideas and Practices for a New Historic Bloc”
Tânia Ganito “Cultural Memory and the ‘Rural-Chic’ Aesthetics: Textures and Images of Soft Power in Contemporary China”
Andrea Valente “Resource nationalism in Southeast Asia: in search of a new analytical framework”
OI Researchers Participation in the Congress:
LOC05 International Relations | Relações Internacionais
Panel: “Russia, Eurasia and the Crisis of the Liberal Order”
Papergiver/ Author: Tiago André Lopes “Contesting the Liberal World Order: Russia and the War in Ukraine”
GS06 Authoritarianism, Democracies and Regime Changes
Panel: "Post-Erdogan Imaginaries: Continuity and Change in Turkish Society, Culture and Politics in the 21st Century"
Chair: Isabel David
Discussant: Isabel David
RC46 Migration and Citizenship
Panel: "The Political Implications of Unwanted and Return Migration"
Papergiver/ Co-Author: Isabel David "The “Return” of Turkish Sephardic Jews to Portugal: Exit without a Voice"
Strategic Cultures in Debate: USA, China and Russia
In partnership with the Scientific and Pedagogical Strategy Coordination Unit (ISCSP/UL), the Instituto do Oriente organized the Webinar on "Strategic Cultures in Debate: USA, China and Russia". This event took place on May 14th at 6 pm, via ZOOM. It was attended by Professor Heitor Romana, Professor Maria Raquel Freire and Professor Diana Soller, moderated by Professor Andrea Valente and Professor Maria João Militão Ferreira.
Available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnlA9a2Hvuk
Post-doctorate Research Fellowship 2021
The application period for 1 (one) Post-doctorate Research Fellowship (BIPD) for a PhD holder will be open from May 24th to June 15th of 2021, for a position at the Orient Institute (IO), unit UIDP/04018/2020, at Institute of Social and Political Sciences of University of Lisbon (ISCSP-ULisboa). This fellowship will be financial supported by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC).
For more information see the following link:
Call for Papers
CALL FOR PAPERS Daxiyangguo – Portuguese Journal of Asian Studies, edition 2025.
The Orient Institute invites the submission of original papers in the field of Asian Studies, until November 30, 2024, to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
More information available here.
The Orient Institute provides internship opportunities, curricular and extracurricular, for young students or recent graduates in the field of international studies, political science, anthropology, among others.
The next phase of internships will take place between September and December 2024. The application period is open until August, 31.
Applications must be formalized by sending the CV and Cover Letter to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..